::today, I was meeting some of the kids in the park. Everybody was nice, like always. No words about the gallery. I thought of stepping into the conversation in another way. Bought a red and a yellow rope, bent it all over the greenhouse and connected the trees between the orphanage and the gallery. Patched their collage of Peter's photograph on it.Let's see if we get an answer...::
• answer to the answer
::today, I was meeting some of the kids in the park. Everybody was nice, like always. No words about the gallery. I thought of stepping into the conversation in another way. Bought a red and a yellow rope, bent it all over the greenhouse and connected the trees between the orphanage and the gallery. Patched their collage of Peter's photograph on it.Let's see if we get an answer...::
• first intervention
• exhibition news II
Balthazar, a friend we got to know recently while his visit to Prague would like to exhibit some of his works in progress he is doing together with his friend Maartje
:: "> hallo Tamas,well, I thought about your mail during those days. What could
fit in the whole things I have done those last times and how I could connect
it to the place you organize, the people there, the (good actually)
restraint of not showing any permanent technical material...
> I met a girl two months ago, during the open day of the rietveld academie
- a art school where I want to enter in Amsterdam - we could have something
we made together to propose to you. Her name is Maartje.Its all about love
and inbetweeness, or something like that. We dont really know how to define
it, because we made it for both of us - but we are wondering if it shareable
or not to some others people. It also that it still going on.
> The facts are : she is dutch, I am french. She went for 5 weeks in
Kathmandu, Nepal, to build a exhibition there. I was living in Utrecht, in
her native country, during this time. Before she left from Nepal, we didnt
meet so much time in real - we were just beginning a relationship before she
> SO : when she was in Nepal, we begun to exchange, by different medium,
videos (sent by email and by a server I found), texts (emails, but also
typetrace texts, a very new and interesting way of writting), drawings, et
> We were showing our both identity, seducing us little by little, meeting
each others in a way, exploring our difference in language, et cetera...We
have a lot of materials, and now we would like to work on them again to find
a way to share them with some others people.::"
a piece of all that was happening yesterday:
waiting for the footage and things they figured out to show us...
enough news for six days, i guess....
:: "> hallo Tamas,well, I thought about your mail during those days. What could
fit in the whole things I have done those last times and how I could connect
it to the place you organize, the people there, the (good actually)
restraint of not showing any permanent technical material...
> I met a girl two months ago, during the open day of the rietveld academie
- a art school where I want to enter in Amsterdam - we could have something
we made together to propose to you. Her name is Maartje.Its all about love
and inbetweeness, or something like that. We dont really know how to define
it, because we made it for both of us - but we are wondering if it shareable
or not to some others people. It also that it still going on.
> The facts are : she is dutch, I am french. She went for 5 weeks in
Kathmandu, Nepal, to build a exhibition there. I was living in Utrecht, in
her native country, during this time. Before she left from Nepal, we didnt
meet so much time in real - we were just beginning a relationship before she
> SO : when she was in Nepal, we begun to exchange, by different medium,
videos (sent by email and by a server I found), texts (emails, but also
typetrace texts, a very new and interesting way of writting), drawings, et
> We were showing our both identity, seducing us little by little, meeting
each others in a way, exploring our difference in language, et cetera...We
have a lot of materials, and now we would like to work on them again to find
a way to share them with some others people.::"
a piece of all that was happening yesterday:
waiting for the footage and things they figured out to show us...
enough news for six days, i guess....
• exhibition news II
spread the word also in my classes. matt, a funny guy from Scotland is offering some photo project for the gallery and the social space around...
:: "Already i've had lots of ideas today of things to do around Prague. 1 idea i had was to cut out huge letters in cardboard spelling 'ANGER' OR 'DESTROY' and leaving them next to the orphanage or somewhere in the city and leave it for a week or so and come back and take pictures of what people and kids do to it. If they have destroyed it or stolen it or vandalised it. it would be a good form of social art, something like what we were talking about in the emergent democracy talk earlier."
:: "Already i've had lots of ideas today of things to do around Prague. 1 idea i had was to cut out huge letters in cardboard spelling 'ANGER' OR 'DESTROY' and leaving them next to the orphanage or somewhere in the city and leave it for a week or so and come back and take pictures of what people and kids do to it. If they have destroyed it or stolen it or vandalised it. it would be a good form of social art, something like what we were talking about in the emergent democracy talk earlier."
• more workshops
Talked to my teacher at the theatre paedagogy faculty of Damu today. Jan Nepomuk Piskac, he's doing some rhetorics and textwork stuff - a possibly new idea to offer the children. He works usually with schoolclasses and teaches at Damu "acting with the inner partner". Would be at first a one-day thing with text work to see what interest is there. Finshed with a performance by Jan in the evening. To be continued if the children want to...
The juggling workshop is ready to be held - thanks Joanna!! Hoping for good weather soon... (forecast is promising spring again...)
The juggling workshop is ready to be held - thanks Joanna!! Hoping for good weather soon... (forecast is promising spring again...)
• open studio evening :: documentary and workshop
::At the open studio evening last thursday here in the oranzerie, Tamas baptised the gallery in hungarian with a text for "art", "children" and "architecture". Berthe-Anne and Lucile, two friends from France supported him by giving french songs. Video will be posted soon...We 'opened' the gallery with some stencil-grafitti of Tamas and photographs of Peter Fitzpatrick, an artist in residency at the Meatfactory from Australia. Pictures are going to be posted soon...
::Later, we had the pleasure to be offered a photoshop workshop for the orphanage children by Andrej. He's a friend of a friend of Tamas and my teacher Denisa Kera. Game Programmer, Artist and a very nice person - he got in touch with two boys from there, talked very long.
Actually, we've been very glad, that the kids came over that evening. In the end, one of them gave shake hands and a warm thank you in everybody's name to Tamas. Makes us happy.
::What makes us also happy, is the offer of Dominic, a journalist from England to let us be part in his documentary about some Skolska projects. Sunday is a shooting scheduled.
.... at the moment we still have every morning snow on the park green and the wheather during the day changes constantly every half an hour from sun to rain to snowstorm. And we hope the new soil is gonna be shipped soon...
::Later, we had the pleasure to be offered a photoshop workshop for the orphanage children by Andrej. He's a friend of a friend of Tamas and my teacher Denisa Kera. Game Programmer, Artist and a very nice person - he got in touch with two boys from there, talked very long.
Actually, we've been very glad, that the kids came over that evening. In the end, one of them gave shake hands and a warm thank you in everybody's name to Tamas. Makes us happy.
::What makes us also happy, is the offer of Dominic, a journalist from England to let us be part in his documentary about some Skolska projects. Sunday is a shooting scheduled.
.... at the moment we still have every morning snow on the park green and the wheather during the day changes constantly every half an hour from sun to rain to snowstorm. And we hope the new soil is gonna be shipped soon...
• juggling ::: ?
• Snow and finally shipping

Today morning the city finally shipped the soil, it took 15 minutes for them with the big machines...
now hardly wait for the new soil, today is Wednesday, the OpenDay is tomorrow, so not sure can do it, but the project's dont have to be finished for now, just we wanted to present it more for tomorrow
Yesterday the weather change a lot, snow and sun, and snow and sun..., for morning everywhere is snow, not too much but snow and cold, which makes the work little bit more difficult
• Biophysics prof. meeting...

As we planned, we visited the local pub, to find any contact with the inhabitants
we arrived around 8 p.m., but had to realize its too late, because workers used to go to the pub after work-hours and leave to have a rest, which means at 8 there was not too many people. Waitress was friendly and sent a guy to our table, and speaking english... He is a local person, working on the Charles University, Biophysics prof...
We had a nice conversation and get some useful information...
thanks prof. Amler
we placed a poster about the OpenDay event in the pub, they were happy with it

• SATurday Party

the party in Saturday was good.
Friends were here to help, to cook =» pasta, salads, cake, shake... «« thanks
Children were here too, but the situation was different then we accepted before.
We couldn't talk with them too seriously because the party-feeling, but at least it was a good chance to get a little bit closer in a way, and have fun together.
And the soil is not shipping yet...
• 3 left plants
• short report - good news

the place is cleaned totally today, so city could ship the polluted soil tomorrow and would be nice to get the new soil as soon as we can to fill back, and after cover it with the plastic and start to plant it...
they will come often and maybe help us
they were also invited for the presentation
the visit to the orphanage was a blame...
they were not interested in, just four children were there, no feeling..
but yesterday a friend was here, german girl, studying art history till
june, she can speak czech and she already did some film-scripts and very talkative
june, she can speak czech and she already did some film-scripts and very talkative
we were sitting outside and started to speak with children from the orphanage (ok, everything started with cigarette...)
but anyway, they were here with us from 4 till 7 i think, they were very pleased just to speak with them
but anyway, they were here with us from 4 till 7 i think, they were very pleased just to speak with them
thanks anette ::::
they will come often and maybe help us
they were also invited for the presentation
but looks we will have a cooking party before on the saturday with them...
• Official news :::
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