
• the work has began

it was much harder then I imagined before...
the soil is full with the broken glass

::: first condition

::: second condition

::: third condition

Küldő: 7up

Cimzett: jan bartos

Tárgy: greenhouse alternatives

Dátum: 2008.02.28. 15:19


today i continued the work in the greenhouse, but i had to stop

i realized the whole soil is full with broken glass...

the basement of the greenhouse is concrete, the soil is cca. 20 cm, and i

dont know when did it start to brake, but the glass is not just above the

soil, but in the soil too...

so i had to stop and now i had to decide what can i do

1. clean as much as i can but dont clean the deeper part of the soil

i can plant greens but have to be very carefull because the lots of broken


2. empty the greenhouse, and leave the floor clean concrete, use the place

like a exhibition room

maybe some plants in pottery

3. empty the polluted soil, and try to find a sponsor (city or gardener

company..) to fill it again with good soil, and after plant everything

it could work but would need somebody who can speak czech and english , so

can help me to translate letters and talk with companies..

you should see how full is with glasses...


im sure need some help form the city to ship all of the dirty, old trush..., and leave

form an other reason i should need somebody to work with me:

i would like to know more about that garden, and the greenhouse. i would

like to make somethng like a documentary film, and visit older local

citizens to speak with them

ask them to tell stories about the park

i dont have camera...

so somebody with film background can be usefull to cooperate with me...

so thats it

see you



Intermedial obj. #...


• Ereklye !!! - Relic !!!

for english version, please scroll down

Megdöbbentő felfedezést tettünk a leendő galéria tereprendezési munkálatai során: egy régi kéziratot és egy mumifikálódott emberi testrészt találtunk.

Szakemberek kellett hívnunk, egyenlőre leállt a munka, az első vizsgálatok szerint, egy egykori ereklyét találtunk, melyet talán szándékosan rejtettek el a föld alá. Sajnos a latin és görög szöveget tartalmazó papírus szinte teljesen megsemmisült olvashatatlanná vált.

Tükörfordításban megközelítőleg ennyit lehet kiolvasni: "... em(e) e(rek)lyé(t) .... m(e)l(y) Szen(t) O..a...(?) t(est)ének (be)cse(s) ......e/a ..." 

Az anatómiai vizsgálatokat egyházi vétó miatt nem lehet elvégezni, a vizuál-tesztek alapján a testrész vagy egy hüvelykujj, vagy egyéb nem azonosítható szerv darabja.

A szöveg, a vizsgálatok, feltételezések és ikonográfiai megfelelések alapján az ereklye vagy Szent Oszvald hüvelykujja, vagy Szent Onan valamely testrészének egy darabja...


We did a shocker discovery during the landscaping works of the future galery space: we have found an old manuscript paper and a mumuficated part of the human body.

We should ask specialists, so the work for the present was stopped. By the first probe, it looks we found a quondam relic, which was hided under the soil for some purposive reason. Unfortunatelly the papirus with greek and latin text, almost totally perished, and cant read.

The text approximately say this: „… th(is) r(e)li(c) … w(hi)c(h) Sai(nt) O..a..(?) b(od)y (est)imab(le) … „


Without the ecclesiastical imprimatur we couldn’t made the anatomically probes, so on the score of visual tests the member should be a thumb or any other unidentifiable piece of a human organ.

By the text, the scrutiny, suppositions and the iconographical analogies, the relic can be St. Oszvald’s thumb or a piece of St. Onan’s body…

• Presentation to the Major of D.P.

for english version, please scroll down

Open Galerie   /   Otevřená galerie   -   obnova   skleníku

Příloha  - popis projektu

Záměrem navrhovaného projektu je symbolická obnova zchátralého skleníku v zámecké zahradě a snaha o nalezení jeho nového uplatnění jako „Otevřená galerie“.

Otevřená galerie bude "otevřená" nejenom fyzicky, ale i konceptuálně. Nebudou zde zamčené dveře, ani otevírací hodiny. Každý může kdykoliv přijít, místo si prohlédnout , odpočinout si, nebo přispět realizací vlastního nápadu.

První akcí v rámci Open Galerie Dolní Počernice bude výtvarná dílna pro děti a mládež ze sousedního dětského domova. Výsledné práce budou vystaveny ve skleníku a přilehlém objektu. Smyslem této dílny bude vtáhnout děti do procesu oživení místa a zároveň minimalizovat možnost případného vandalismu.

Praktická realizace projektu obsahuje tyto úpravy: úklid skleníku, vymalování přiléhající místnosti zvenku i zevnitř, pokrytí konstrukce skleníku plastikovou fólií, stejně tak i střechy přilehlého objektu včetně železné jehlanovité konstrukce. Výtvarné objekty budou instalovány jak v prostoru skleníku společně s žijící starou a novou vegetací, tak i v interiéru přilehlé místnosti.



Greenhouse recreation

The main idea is to place back the abonded greenhouse to its original function, and give a new aim for it too.

The new task is to create a place for any type of civil movement, and artistic events. I don’t want to separate this different activities, moreover I would prefer to connect them, force arists and citizens to cooperate. Artist used to be open for meet and collaborate with the audience, in this case its one of the aim of the place.

Open Galerie is open not just physically, but in conceptually too. There will not be a door to lock the place, which means everybody can enter in any time to see, to have a rest, to intervent…

One of the first colleboration could be an art-workshop with children from the next door orphanage. After the workshop‘s finall works will install in the greenhouse.

If local people, youngs can participate in any way, there is the chance to don’t vandalize the actual works and the place later.

Local youngs used to hang there.

I don’t want to chase them out there.

I would like to place a banch in the middle of the small building to make it confortable to meet and chat.

The walls are totally fullpainted by graffities.

I want to renovate the building, but I think graffiti is a way of underground selfrepresentation. So, I will leave parts of the inside and ouside graffities on the wall to suggest the previous situation. It will looks like a framed painting on the wall.

The metal structure of the greenhouse will cover by transparent plastic foil, and the upper piramid structure too. At the moment this upper part is laying in the grass beside the building.

The greenhouse is full with agrarian wilde plants, small saplings, bushes, weeds.

I would like to keep a ribbon from this wild plants because they have symbolis meanings. The other cleaned part of the greenhouse will fill with any type of plants, flowers. I would like to set paprika, tomato, but also chrysanthemum, as the symbol of  fate.

In the middle of the greenhouse there will be a path.

People can walk in and see the actual exhibition, namely the greenhous will use as an exhibition place too. Walking through in a palce which is full with live organism, so audince have take care of every footstep…, these have deeper meaning.

I don’t want to occupied the place. I will show up a possibility, an answer for the question, taken up by myself.

A prír. památka Pocernícky Rybník területén (park), a stúdiótól 20 méterre található az egykori üvegház és melléképülete

kiállítóhely kialakítása, nyitott területen, a legkisebb változtatással, természetes organizmusok védelme