Hello people
as the gallery is still open to be used for events and workshops, here the way to do it:
please announce your plans in advance to Skolska28 gallery. Email and person to adress is: Jan Bartos, Jan@skolska28.cz
So, feel free to make it!
See u soon
....so, now it's time to leave the place.
Tamas is going back to Hungary tomorrow morning - nobody will live next door to the gallery and "supervise" the space anymore. We have the feeling, that leaving the place now is really the right time - maybe just in the meaning of none of us will be there already in the morning, every day or regularly at the weekend.
Of course, there are people willing to do something and it'll be interesting especially after that nice grafitti-action, what will happen concerning destroying or care by the kids. Also, Alex will put up Brooke's pyramide-roof-decoration on top of the house. Andrej still wants to make some lasertag, what would be really nice and exciting.
All in all, there is still a lot! We will see and say goodbye to chapter I
....so, now it's time to leave the place.
Tamas is going back to Hungary tomorrow morning - nobody will live next door to the gallery and "supervise" the space anymore. We have the feeling, that leaving the place now is really the right time - maybe just in the meaning of none of us will be there already in the morning, every day or regularly at the weekend.
Of course, there are people willing to do something and it'll be interesting especially after that nice grafitti-action, what will happen concerning destroying or care by the kids. Also, Alex will put up Brooke's pyramide-roof-decoration on top of the house. Andrej still wants to make some lasertag, what would be really nice and exciting.
All in all, there is still a lot! We will see and say goodbye to chapter I
...last weekend, very colourful
so, it's gone, the last official weekend in the gallery.
On saturday, we painted the walls white again. None of the main guys who wanted to do that, showed up - but some other kids helped...
On sunday, Bara brought two friends and spraypainted together with them grafitti.
At the beginning, there were problems - for example the guys from next door who wanted to spray didn't organise spraycans, so in the end, Bara helped out. After some time, when the friends were there, they get also motivated to participate...
in a way, we have a good feeling about that.
AND: We want to thank you, Bara, for all that help and communication!!! (she also supported the pictures below!)

we sprayed something like a last sentence as a comment on everything what happened: JE TO MTVUJ PROSTOR (what means sth like: this is myour space)
..vernissage poetry performance
Bertane and her sister Blondine czech-french performed a poem at the vernissage last sunday (April 20th). Thank you Katja for filming, editing, sending!
and thank you...

... Andrej!

For the stencil making workshop on sunday. We all had great fun and got crazy shirts, not just little Pavel ;) .... and thank you Katja! She visited us that weekend and took all of that pictures, helped with the installation, fell in love with muzli... we had a very good time together! A warm hello to Berlin!

the next plans
after that busy day yesterday, we found an agreement with the kids. Thanks Bara we are planning to paint the walls on saturday together with the children again white, they bring their spraypaint and Bara will invite some Grafittiwriters to show them some up-to-date ways to paint the walls. That will be the beginning of the agreement, that these walls are no-ones and can be overpainted by eveybody.
On sunday, we plan next to the photography workshop a symbolic handover of the place to the children. We hope many people will come and jump in the using of the space, together and as an open community. We plan to offer them the deal to give them the place to be used all during the week and saturday, but to give all the other interested people the possibility to organise things on sundays.
we are lucky, how things happened and turned. We thank Bara one time for making the communication!
On sunday, we plan next to the photography workshop a symbolic handover of the place to the children. We hope many people will come and jump in the using of the space, together and as an open community. We plan to offer them the deal to give them the place to be used all during the week and saturday, but to give all the other interested people the possibility to organise things on sundays.
we are lucky, how things happened and turned. We thank Bara one time for making the communication!
so, the first confusion after that reaction cleared off. we didn't expect the installation to be so provocative for the orphanage children. Still, we don't know if they reacted on our intruding in their place, especially on the exhibition, altogether? anyhow, it is a good and strong thing what happened. It makes sense and appetite to answer in an intelligent way.
During the day, we encountered some children at the gallery, using it as usually. They don't consider the woodpanel showing "go away" as adressed to them.
We talked to some, asked questions like: do you like the sentences on the wall? what do you say? what do you say to the wood panel in the door? first, we didn't asked who it was. some children answered by themselves "it was not me, it was the guys". we insisted which guys and got a disturbing answer: they pretend the two older guys from the orphanage, stefan and adrian did that (those who were always helping us and considered maybe as the "fools" of the group cause they are a bit slow). That was the story especially of little Pavel, and we should not tell anybody that we have that info of him. Pavel was having the diplomatic opinion that it doesn't matter for him what is written in the place, or who is there.
There were also reactions like "I absolutely don't like the sentences, especially I'm afraid of children." "The action of the guys is good" "I like that made-up new place, but I don't like what is written on the wall." One nonverbal reaction of Jirka were just putting away the woodpanel and "freeing" the entrance again.
What is clear for us: The orphanage-children are one group, anyhow if just two of them did that or not. They don't act against their group towards strangers. Though they are individuals, everybody is having his or her role. Their system has to work. The question is: Are we enemies or harmelss idiots for them? Are we just good enough for repairing everything? Is that also just a playful and provocative answer to our playful provocative installation?
We think now, we created - unconsciously or not - a place for a little micro-society, one can learn a lot, compare expections we had in the beginning, experiences other people already made during works like that....
During the day, we encountered some children at the gallery, using it as usually. They don't consider the woodpanel showing "go away" as adressed to them.
We talked to some, asked questions like: do you like the sentences on the wall? what do you say? what do you say to the wood panel in the door? first, we didn't asked who it was. some children answered by themselves "it was not me, it was the guys". we insisted which guys and got a disturbing answer: they pretend the two older guys from the orphanage, stefan and adrian did that (those who were always helping us and considered maybe as the "fools" of the group cause they are a bit slow). That was the story especially of little Pavel, and we should not tell anybody that we have that info of him. Pavel was having the diplomatic opinion that it doesn't matter for him what is written in the place, or who is there.
There were also reactions like "I absolutely don't like the sentences, especially I'm afraid of children." "The action of the guys is good" "I like that made-up new place, but I don't like what is written on the wall." One nonverbal reaction of Jirka were just putting away the woodpanel and "freeing" the entrance again.
What is clear for us: The orphanage-children are one group, anyhow if just two of them did that or not. They don't act against their group towards strangers. Though they are individuals, everybody is having his or her role. Their system has to work. The question is: Are we enemies or harmelss idiots for them? Are we just good enough for repairing everything? Is that also just a playful and provocative answer to our playful provocative installation?
We think now, we created - unconsciously or not - a place for a little micro-society, one can learn a lot, compare expections we had in the beginning, experiences other people already made during works like that....
to explain the sentences on the wall, we decided to translate them into english. the concept behind was to not make them perfect czech. we are neither czech nor english native speakers, and I learned that language just for 1,5 years.
- KDO JE TADY DITE? = Who is the child in here?
- KDY JE DETSTVI? = When is childhood? (philosophically spoken)
- JE MI NUDNE! = I'm bored (construction doesn't exist in czech grammar that way)
- BOJIM SE DETI = I'm afraid of children
- DETI MUSI BYT PRESNE DOMA = children have to be at home in time/have to be at home (that particular place)
- KDO JE TADY DITE? = Who is the child in here?
- KDY JE DETSTVI? = When is childhood? (philosophically spoken)
- JE MI NUDNE! = I'm bored (construction doesn't exist in czech grammar that way)
- BOJIM SE DETI = I'm afraid of children
- DETI MUSI BYT PRESNE DOMA = children have to be at home in time/have to be at home (that particular place)

for yesterday evening we found a quite interesting but radical reaction for the project:
the SUPERBertan exhibition was "moved out" from the gallery. the other installation got comments like: "fuck off". And the whole project got a sentence like: "go away". The door was blocked by a piece of wood-panel with the same text. There is some new holes on the plastic too.
Our first reaction was getting angry and sad, but now we are thinking what did happen and why?
We know who did it.
I made a mistake against the guys: I over-painted there's first gratifies. But the question right now is: that reaction is the opinion of all the children? OR it was just this two cool guys who wanted to show to the others they are much more cooler then we.
Anyway we are leaving the place in one week and right now I'm not sure to plan anything...
Some of the children helped a lot and we thought they are satisfied...
lets see what will happen
Hope Bara (the gardener girl) will come who has very good connection with the children...

we are welcoming you cordially this weekend out in the gallery, in the park.
2pm - 6pm: theatre workshop for kids (lern to perform texts) with JAN NEPOMUK PISKAC
7pm: performance of Jan Nepomuk Piskac
7pm: performance of Jan Nepomuk Piskac
during the afternoon, the park will be entertained by the 10th aniversary of the orphanage next door. There will be a running contest, a stage, some singers...
2pm - 6pm: t-shirt printing with Andrej Boleslavsky: make your own stencils and spray them on your t-shirt you can either buy a shirt from us or bring your own and give a little donation for using the spray
6pm: Exhibition Opening "SUPERBertane" of Berthe-Anne Lehec and "Kdo je tady dite?" of Annette Loy. Text based works and installations

Please, bring some food if you are hungry and your own drinks!
we are looking forward to see you again!
6pm: Exhibition Opening "SUPERBertane" of Berthe-Anne Lehec and "Kdo je tady dite?" of Annette Loy. Text based works and installations

Please, bring some food if you are hungry and your own drinks!
we are looking forward to see you again!
• the 2nd exhibition in OpenGalerie
The second exhibition in OpenGalerie opened in Sunday
in the little house: exhibition of collages made and installed by SEE:SIDES and Bertane, Alexis, Maren
4 wood-panels with A3 collages made in the National Library by photocopied iconic visual informations, painting, magazines, architecture from the official canon of art history and mixed them

in the greenhouse part there is the drawings of Tamas, and his painting about Martin (12 years old child from orpahange)
one collages piece from Alexis, one little stone-hill by Annette and one painting by .... ?

in the little house: exhibition of collages made and installed by SEE:SIDES and Bertane, Alexis, Maren
4 wood-panels with A3 collages made in the National Library by photocopied iconic visual informations, painting, magazines, architecture from the official canon of art history and mixed them

in the greenhouse part there is the drawings of Tamas, and his painting about Martin (12 years old child from orpahange)
one collages piece from Alexis, one little stone-hill by Annette and one painting by .... ?

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