

for yesterday evening we found a quite interesting but radical reaction for the project:
the SUPERBertan exhibition was "moved out" from the gallery. the other installation got comments like: "fuck off". And the whole project got a sentence like: "go away". The door was blocked by a piece of wood-panel with the same text. There is some new holes on the plastic too.
Our first reaction was getting angry and sad, but now we are thinking what did happen and why?
We know who did it.
I made a mistake against the guys: I over-painted there's first gratifies. But the question right now is: that reaction is the opinion of all the children? OR it was just this two cool guys who wanted to show to the others they are much more cooler then we.
Anyway we are leaving the place in one week and right now I'm not sure to plan anything...
Some of the children helped a lot and we thought they are satisfied...
lets see what will happen
Hope Bara (the gardener girl) will come who has very good connection with the children...

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