::: third condition
Küldő: 7up
Cimzett: jan bartos
Tárgy: greenhouse alternatives
Dátum: 2008.02.28. 15:19
today i continued the work in the greenhouse, but i had to stop
i realized the whole soil is full with broken glass...
the basement of the greenhouse is concrete, the soil is cca. 20 cm, and i
dont know when did it start to brake, but the glass is not just above the
soil, but in the soil too...
so i had to stop and now i had to decide what can i do
1. clean as much as i can but dont clean the deeper part of the soil
i can plant greens but have to be very carefull because the lots of broken
2. empty the greenhouse, and leave the floor clean concrete, use the place
like a exhibition room
maybe some plants in pottery
3. empty the polluted soil, and try to find a sponsor (city or gardener
company..) to fill it again with good soil, and after plant everything
it could work but would need somebody who can speak czech and english , so
can help me to translate letters and talk with companies..
you should see how full is with glasses...
im sure need some help form the city to ship all of the dirty, old trush..., and leave
form an other reason i should need somebody to work with me:
i would like to know more about that garden, and the greenhouse. i would
like to make somethng like a documentary film, and visit older local
citizens to speak with them
ask them to tell stories about the park
i dont have camera...
so somebody with film background can be usefull to cooperate with me...
so thats it
see you
Intermedial obj. #...
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