

Finally the new soil arrived yesterday. But the weather was rainy and cold.
Today it's sunny and warm, so we built up a construction for the new soil and we filled them.
Tommorrow we install the wood-sticks and hope to cover the greenhouse during this week.

At the weekend friends were here to help creating the second exhibition, the original idea was to collect and photocopy iconic visual informations, painting, magazines, architecture from the official canon of art history, then make montages and install them to the gallery. We had to install the papers first to wood-panels because the wall in the greenhouse is wet, so glue or tape cannot be used..
But the final work is better then we accepted before...
And because Martin (a boy from the orphanage) arrived we decided to make a portrait of him. This will be the first painting to install in the greenhouse... Lets see what they do with it...

And a very important experience:
we didnt fill the place with works after the renovation, so children started to fill the walls themselves with drawings, grafitties, but not just with nice ones, rather with tags. I dont like tags, because its more a violent self-representation then a real way of thinking and visuality.

So from now on we gonna take care more about the exhibitions and their installation. We will give the children more and more visual and symbolic information.
We think, the situation will also change when the greenhouse is covered and we can use that part of the place, too.

/thanks for the help to Bertane, Maren, Alexis, Martin/

:::pictures coming soon:::

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